Work at Home Angel

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

CNN Reports on Making Extra Money

CNN did a special report on Friday on ways that households can make extra money. The full story is here Here is a quick summary of their suggestions for making Extra Money:

1. Become a focus group participant - I have listed a number of survey sites that will pay you for your opinion and are free to join. If you are interested, look at some of my previous posts.
2. Use your blog - If you have a blog and you need extra money, it is free to add ads to your site and add a new level of revenue.
3. Sell the stuff you no longer want - this references auction sites and craigslist. You would not believe sometimes how much people are will to spending for stuff you no longer want.
4. Make money with you hobbies - there are sites like Etsey that allow you to create an online store of the crafts that you do from home. You are already enjoying it, why not make a profit too.
5. Host a bake sale - this one seems a little flaky to me, but I guess it is possible.
6. Shop and sell - If you have out Outlet store or warehouse store near you, buy something at a discounted price and then try reselling it. Even if you only make 2 or 3 dollars, it will all add up over time.

and number 7 this one is my favorite!

7. Pet sit - you would be amazed at how much people are will to spend to keep their pets happy and feeling loved when they can't be around.

This is a quick summary and my view of the article, if you wish to read the full article, see the link above and good luck.

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work at home, make extra money, pay off your bills, quit you day job, earn money online, start a home business.
work at home, make extra money, pay off your bills, quit you day job, earn money online, start a home business.

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