Work at Home Angel

Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Star Month with Pay Checks from On-Line Work

Well this has been a star month for me, I received my first check from Clickbank and from Hits4Pay. I was actually waiting to receive these checks so I could purchase more programs to review, so keep your eyes open, more reviews are coming.

Hits4Pay is a site that pays you 2 cents per e-mail that you read and 1 cent for your referrals to read e-mails. They have a great section on how to get referrals and provide a monthly newsletter with tips and hints. I think they are great site. If you want to get paid to click Hits4Pay is a great place to start.

Get Paid To Read Emails - SIGNUP FOR FREE! $10 SIGNUP BONUS
Learn More: Hits4Pay

Clickbank is the program that I use to for my affiliant work. I advertise products on there site using Ovature and when the items I advertise sell, I receive a check. So far I spent about $100 in advertising and I made $250 in sales. It is not a lot of money but it is something, I am not looking to get rich I just want so extra cash. You also have the option to create an e-book and sell it using ClickBank and letting other people advertise it and then you get paid and they get paid. If you have a speciality or something that you know a lot about, try creating a e-book and sell it using Clickbank.

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